2024-25 Student Supply List
ALL GRADES -T K/ Kindergarten through 5th
1. Headphones for computer +plastic bag with student's name. 2. Box of Tissues 3. Package ofPink
Erasers 4. Glue Sticks, washable, dries clear 5. Box of Band-Aids 6. Elmer's Glue
1 box #2 pencils
1 box 24 ct Crayola Crayons
Baby Wipes - Unscented
Expo BLACK Dry Erase Markers
6 large glue sticks - 0.770z or larger
Gallon size zip lock baggies
Sandwich size zip lock baggies
Headphones — NO earbuds
First Grade — Please don't label with student name
10 ct Crayola washable markers
2 Boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons
Box of #2 Pencils
Box of BLACK Dry Erase Whiteboard Markers
Second Grade
Baby Wipes
Box of #2 Pencils
Box of 24 count Crayola crayons
Box of BLACK Dry Erase Whiteboard Markers
Iland Sanitizer
Primary Composition Book
Large pink eraser
Reusable no spill water bottle
Baby Wipes
12" ruler (including centimeters)
2 Primary Journal/Composition Books
3 — 2 Pocket Folders In/ student's name
Large Pink Eraser
Ziplock Baggies — quart/gallon size
Third Grade — Please don't label with student name
Binder Paper, Wide Rule
Box of #2 pencils
10 Count Crayola Classic markers WIDE&THIN
1 pkg Pencil Top Erasers
Box of BLACK Dry Erase Whiteboard Markers
2 — Composition/Journal Books -WIDE Rule
Large Bottle of Hand Sanitizer
4th& 5th Grades * for 5th grade only
Pencil top erasers
Erasable pens — black'blue*
Protractor only (no compass for 4th)
Box of colored pencils
Binder paper, Wide Rule
Crayola washable markers*
Folder for Ilomework
Ruler w/inches and metric
1 pkg Highlighters any color
Re-usable water bottle
12 count Crayola colored pencils
Ruler w/inches and metric
Baby Wipes — Not Disinfectant wipes
Package of Large Pink Erasers
1 ream of white paper
Or-lighter, yellow or assorted colors
3 x 5 Package lined/unlined index cards*
Ream of Graph paper 1/4"
Red pencils/pens
Box of 112 pencils - NO PAPER covered
Box 24 count Crayola crayons
2x2 Post It Notes*
Box of BLACK Those Erase Whiteboard Markers
2 - Composition/Journal Book
We recognize that manyfamilies wish to provide supplies for their own student or donate materials for the
entire school community and are welcome to do so at any time. The supplies listed are suggested materials
and are not required of any student or family to fully participate in the school's academic program. All
required materials and supplies will be provided by schools to students at no cost.