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August 30, 2024 Announcement

August 30, 2024 Announcement

What's up, Otter Families!  We are so impressed with how your students are learning the routines and procedures during the school day!  They are really rocking it in line, in the cafeteria, and in their classes!

One thing we'd love to see improvement on is morning arrivals.  Thursday, we had 35 tardies. If you could try to leave the house just 5-10 minutes earlier, you'd make it on time!  Please show your student the importance of being at school on time and ready to learn. In a couple weeks, we will be starting some contests with rewards for the classes with no tardies! 

Please remember that today, Friday, August 30, we have a minimum day.  School is over at 11:55 AM.  Bridges will be open until 6:00 PM. 

On Monday, September 2, there is no school and no Bridges.

Beginning Tuesday, September 3, our youngest students are celebrating color week!  It is such a blast to have the WHOLE SCHOOL dress up in the color of the day. Please help your child wear the "color" of the day each day below:

Tuesday, Sept. 3 Red

Wednesday, Sept. 4 Yellow

Thursday, Sept. 5 Blue

Friday, Sept. 6 Green

Monday, Sept 9 Orange

Tuesday, Sept. 10 Purple

Wednesday, Sept. 11. - Patriot Day Red, White, Blue 

Finally, we have school picture day on Tuesday, September 17.  Information will be coming home next week on how to place your order.

Thank you for another great week at Ottomon.  

These special days will also be reflectrd on the calendar on this website.